Sociopaths run their smear campaigns, in an attempt to spread lies about you, and some even go to the extremes of impersonating you, just get a reaction out of you.
IF YOU REACT - you give the sociopath what they wanted. You give a reason to turn it around on you, and tell others that you are attacking them.
That's why it's important to not react to the sociopath. No matter how badly you want to defend you me character. If you really want the sociopath to leave you alone.
**Then going NO CONTACT is the only way to truly get the sociopath out of your life completely.
So why do sociopaths want to destroy lives, spread lies, cause conflict, chaos and drama? The answer is pretty simple — “jealousy”
So they have to sneak around behind your back and do covert things to try to destroy you. Sometime the envy is obvious and sometimes it is not obvious.
Sociopaths tend to be envious of their ex spouses new girlfriend/boyfriend, husband or wife. And soon the innocent person who is with the sociopaths ex spouse decides to target the new love. Why?
Because sociopaths are low life scum.
They want to destroy their ex, and also want to destroy their happiness. So that means they work hard to make your relationship miserable. I’m hopes that they will destroy it.
The best thing to do is recognize that this is happening. Do not allow a hateful narcissistic sociopath destroy your happiness.
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