Friday, December 25, 2020

True Sociopath & Narcissist Sociopath

All sociopaths are narcissist but NOT ALL narcissist are sociopaths. 

There are narcissist and then there are narcissistic sociopaths.... There is a difference between the two. From my own personal experience, this is what I have observed about the two.(this is only my personal observation and experience) 

A True Sociopath has no fear. The true sociopath does not care what others think of them. Unlike the narcissistic sociopath who cares not about what people think of them, but about how people view them. 
The Narc Sociopath wants to be viewed by others as popular and liked, even if they are not like by many people, they will pretend that they are. The Narc Sociopath is so insecure that it is important to them that others admire them, because of their materialist possessions, or name brand clothing. They want people to believe that they are powerful, and that they have a lot of “friends” with powerful connections. 

They are all different and they all do different things. 

A True Sociopath is so selfish and empty. That when they are deceiving and cheating, it never crosses their mind that the person they have lied to and deceived will be hurt by the deception. A True Sociopath does not see other people as having any rights of their own, or a mind of their own. The True Sociopath doesn't care or even think that people have the ability to make decisions for themselves. The True Sociopath is only capable of seeing what they want. The true sociopath only “thinks” of their wants. Their sense of entitlement makes them believe that what they want is the most important thing in the world. 

The true sociopath thinks only of him/herself. Sociopaths intentionally act as if they care about others and are eager to help. When it seems as if the sociopath is being “helpful” this is only because she/he has their own agenda. And if pretending to want to help or care will achieve this agenda for them, then that's what they will do. If the true sociopath wants something, he/she will make sure that they get what it is they want, and will use whatever means to get this. Whoever the person is that can get the sociopath closer to getting what  he/she wants will become the sociopaths next target...

The true sociopath will do anything and destroy anyone to get what they want - this includes —
  • Compulsive pathological lying (outrageous ridiculous lies)
  • Deception and manipulation (conning)
  • Cheating and infidelity
  • Living like a parasite
  • Faking ‘love’
  • Theft, stealing,taking out credit cards and loans in someone's name without that persons knowledge. 
When most people do something that hurts another person, we feel guilty, we feel bad about ourselves and can be hard on ourselves. We experience remorse and shame. Usually we end up feeling so bad that we will go out of our way to make that wrong, right.. 
The sociopath does not care at all if they have ruined someone's life. They lose no sleep and they barely even think about the wrong. True sociopaths experience no feelings of guilt, shame, or remorse. 

The narcissistic sociopath will never experience regret. The are only capable of hatred and revenge. 
If the narc sociopaths actions have damaged their life, they don’t feel bad for THEMSELVES, they feel hatred and will find something or someone to blame for whatever happened. 

They don't feel anything towards the any people they have destroyed. They actually feel a sick victory of some sort. 

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

The Villain and The Victim

This is an old draft I found. Decided to publish it. Hope it gives insight to those who are dealing with a narcissist or a sociopath. 

Psychopaths are able to present themselves as charismatic and charming. They know how to pour on the charm to hook their victims emotionally and gain their trust. Psychopaths are very calculating, cold hearted, and lack empathy. The psychopath is an excelled liar. They need to convince others that they are caring and 
kind-hearted, by doing this, it allows them to torture (usually emotionally and mentally) their victims, and then vilify the victim when the victim speaks out. The sociopath will claim to be the “victim”. Many may believe that the sociopath is victim because the sociopath has manipulated people to believe they are a good person, and convinced those people that the real victim is a liar, and bad person. This is how they will try to destroy their target, by convincing acquaintances that they are a “good” person, all while spreading lies about the Real victim. 

The psychopath resorts to outrageous lies, and false accusations. In reality, these people are opposite of everything they claim. One thing in particular that I noticed with psychopaths, is that whatever they are accusing YOU of — they are guilty of it. 

For example – the psychopath will have many social media accounts, they look for things that the general normal  people are upset over, like bullying, or cyber stalking. They will accuse their victim of these things, because they know that these certain subjects are sensitive to most people.  By doing this they hurt (even though they don't care) not only their target but real victims of bullying. With sociopaths claiming victim-hood, they take credibility away from the real victims of bullying, cyber bullying, and harassment. 

It is somewhat like crying wolf. Only in this case the psychopath is actually the wolf, but is dressed up as a sheep.

The Sociopath never stops being obsessed

Does the narcissistic sociopath ever give up on making your life miserable.

I do not think will. They will have distractions come along the way, that may give you a small amount of peace. But I have been stalked, had profiles made up about my online, been signed up spam mail, I have even received hand written letters at my home mail box. That was when I had a security system installed. But I say once again, even though there is no communication, contact with my sociopath stalker. It’s still costing me money.

The way I see it, I have dealt with this for a 13+ years. And I have gained knowledge. And the sociopath hasn’t gained anything. (Except for maybe special place in hell). But my life is good. I have been through so much, but I am still fairly young. I have a loving family and supportive friends. I am active in my community. I play tennis, I am involved with many organization that i enjoy and have interest in. I have finally found the job of my dreams.  I am happy.

Everything I have been through has made me a stronger person. 10 years ago I was unable to say this.  I was constantly upset about the problems the sociopath was causing for me. Because I did not have the knowledge to know how to deal with it appropriately. That is why i started this blog. In hopes people wouldn’t make the same mistakes that I did. Or just help others that find themselves in a hopeless miserable situation like this.

It’s not your fault. I am able to be happy, despite everything that has happened. The fact that my sociopath is still to this very day obsessing over me, tells me that this person is so miserable with their life. And this is all they have to do. The sociopath is truly unhappy and miserable. There is no spark within them. Especially as they age. My sociopath is older than me by 20 years. It’s obviously that she is very miserable. All her other targets and victims have died. I’m the only one left living. So she gets online and makeups Facebook profiles in my real name. She doesn’t have any friends. Her own sister won’t even speak to her. And she basically ran her mother into an early grave.

I haven’t posted anything in a while. Because I just haven’t felt the need to. Until I came across something she made up on Facebook about me. I laughed about it. It told me all I already knew. That she has nothing else to do with her time. And no one else wants anything to do with her.

Yes, I wish she would leave me alone. But she isn’t going to. She is obsessed, miserable and jealous. She wants to upset me and cause me pain. But because of her I will say I am a stronger person than ever.